
6 unusual facts about Bastet


Herodotus also relates that of the many solemn festivals held in Egypt, the most important and most popular one was that celebrated in Bubastis in honour of the goddess, whom he calls Bubastis and equates with the Greek goddess Artemis.

A road, paved with stone, of about three furlongs' length leads to the entrance, running eastward through the market place, towards the temple of Hermes; this road is about 400 feet wide, and bordered by trees reaching to heaven.

Indeed, much confusion occurred with subsequent generations; the identity of Bast slowly merged among the Greeks during their occupation of Egypt, who sometimes named her Ailuros (Greek for cat), thinking of Bast as a version of Artemis, their own moon goddess.

Before the Fantastic Four: Reed Richards

After the rescue, Prince Bayan rewards Reed with the Scepter of Bast, an ancient artifact once belonging to Khafre.

Ptahemhat called Ty

Stela BM 972 which shows the High Priest of Ptah Ptahemhat called Ty receiving offerings from his son Hay, a functionary of the temple of Bastet, was found in the cat necropolis of Saqqara.

Sara Pezzini

The Witchblade is also known to be able to damage incorporeal beings and is capable of slaying other-dimensional entities and immortal deities (such as Bastet).


Bastet |

Orchids, a collection of prose and poetry

Couperus biographer, Frédéric Bastet, described Couperus' poems as: Bacchantes, odalisques, sirens and eunuchs populate this Parnassiens-poetry, but they remain opera characters without much content.

see also