Taking place in an alternate future earth, the game revolves around a group of bounty hunters who must capture the mad scientist Dr. Saturn and secure a sophisticated computer disc carrying a program known as the "Shiva System".
United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit | Battle of Waterloo | Battle of Britain | Battle of the Somme | Silverstone Circuit | Battle of the Bulge | United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit | Battle of Gettysburg | 2013 ITF Women's Circuit | Battle Creek, Michigan | Battle of France | Battle of Trafalgar | 2011 ITF Women's Circuit | Battle of Hastings | Battle of Antietam | battle | 2012 ITF Women's Circuit | United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit | United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit | Battle of Shiloh | Battle of Midway | Battle of Belleau Wood | United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit | United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit | Circuit de Nevers Magny-Cours | Battle of the Alamo | Battle of Leipzig | Battle of Agincourt | Circuit City | Battle of Verdun |