The Battle of Cheat Mountain, also known as the Battle of Cheat Summit Fort, took place from September 12 to 15, 1861, in Pocahontas County and Randolph County, Virginia (now West Virginia) as part of the Western Virginia Campaign during the American Civil War.
Battle of Waterloo | Battle of Britain | Battle of the Somme | Battle of the Bulge | mountain | Battle of Gettysburg | Battle Creek, Michigan | Battle of France | Battle of Trafalgar | Mountain View, California | Battle of Hastings | Battle of Antietam | battle | Mountain Dew | Mountain | Battle of Shiloh | Battle of Midway | Battle of Belleau Wood | Battle of the Alamo | Battle of Leipzig | Battle of Agincourt | Table Mountain | Battle of Verdun | Battle of Thermopylae | Battle of the Plains of Abraham | Kenesaw Mountain Landis | Brokeback Mountain | The Mountain Goats | Battle of Vienna | Second Battle of the Marne |