
3 unusual facts about Battle of Coronel

Battle of Coronel

The Royal Navy—with assistance from other Allied navies in the far east—had captured the German colonies of Kaiser-Wilhelmsland, Yap, Nauru and Samoa early in the war, instead of searching for Vice-Admiral Maximilian von Spee's German East Asia Squadron which had abandoned its base at the German concession at Tsingtao in China once Japan entered the war on Britain's side.

Gilbert Heathcote-Drummond-Willoughby, 1st Earl of Ancaster

Peter Robert Heathcote-Drummond-Willoughby, RN (1885–1914), naval officer killed in the sinking of HMS Monmouth at the Battle of Coronel.

Katherine Routledge

There is no record of what steps the schoolmaster took to persuade the German fleet to leave Chilean waters, but they did depart, most of them to Coronel and the Falklands.

Mount Good Hope

Its name is not directly from the Cape of Good Hope but rather from a ship named for it, the armoured cruiser HMS Good Hope which sank off the coast of Chile in the Battle of Coronel, November 1, 1914.

see also