
unusual facts about Battle of Czajánek's barracks

Battle of Czajánek's barracks

Then the German infantry, now including an anti-tank company, attacked the barracks with machine gun fire, 50mm and 81mm mortars and a 37mm anti-tank gun.

20 Battery Royal Artillery

The now renamed 20 Battery RA has been deployed on Operation Telic (Iraq) being the first United Kingdom unit to deploy using the Counter RAM system and after the move of the regiment to St George's Barracks, North Luffenham, deployed to the Falkland Islands.

Butler's Rangers

Although the building that houses The Lincoln and Welland Regiment Museum in that community is traditionally known as "Butler's Barracks", it is not the original barracks and never housed Butler's Rangers.

Edith Weston

St George's Barracks is located to the south and east of the village; this was previously RAF North Luffenham.

see also