
4 unusual facts about Battle of Goliad

Battle of Goliad

The majority of the Mexican soldiers were instructed to leave Texas, and the Texians confiscated $10,000 worth of provisions and several cannons, which they soon transported to the Texian Army for use in the Siege of Béxar.

Colonists eagerly rushed to assist, and on October 2 the Battle of Gonzales officially opened the Texas Revolution.

However, within days of the Texian victory at the Battle of Gonzales, Captain George Morse Collinsworth and members of the Texian militia in Matagorda began marching towards Goliad.

The Battle of Goliad was the second skirmish of the Texas Revolution.

Texas Revolution

Early Texian Army successes at La Bahía and San Antonio (Battle of Goliad, Siege of Béxar) were soon reversed when the Mexican Army retook the territory a few months later (Battle of Coleto, Battle of the Alamo).

see also