
2 unusual facts about Battle of Nashville

Battle of Nashville

A Battle of Nashville monument was created in 1927 by Giuseppe Moretti, who was commissioned by the Ladies Battlefield Association.

The Hellbenders

With his sons Ben, greedy Nat, and rapist Jeff, he massacres Union soldiers transporting a consignment of banknotes and conceals the loot in a coffin supposedly belonging to a deceased Confederate officer, Captain Ambrose who was killed in the Battle of Nashville.

24th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry Regiment

The regiment served under generals Grant and Sherman and was engaged in the battles Stone's River, Chickamauga, Franklin, Nashville, Missionary Ridge and Chattanooga.

Anthony Waldman House

As a member of the 5th Minnesota, Amos participated in the Siege of Corinth, Mississippi (May 26–30, 1862); the Battle of Corinth (October 3–4, 1862); Grant’s central Mississippi campaign (November 1862-January, 1863); the Siege of Vicksburg (May 18-July 4, 1863); and the Battle of Nashville (December 15–16, 1864), among numerous other campaigns.

Ironton, Ohio

James Parks, Medal of Honor recipient (captured battle flag at the Battle of Nashville 12/16/1864)

see also