
2 unusual facts about Battle of Ticinus

Battle of Ticinus

In the Science Fiction story "Delenda Est", renegade time travelers from the far future interfere at the Battle of Ticinus, with the result that Publius Cornelius Scipio and his son, the future Scipio Africanus, are killed.

Hannibal and his army vanished to the north while Scipio perceiving that he had lost them sent the main force against New Carthage under command of his brother while he returned by ship to Pisa, marched through Etruria, acquired the legions of Manlius and Atilius and camped along the Po to wait for Hannibal.

Delenda Est

Renegade time travelers meddle in the outcome of the Second Punic War, bringing about the premature deaths of Publius Cornelius Scipio and Scipio Africanus at the Battle of Ticinus in 218 BC, and thus creating a new timeline in which Hannibal destroys Rome in 210 BC.

see also