
2 unusual facts about Battle of the Scheldt

Battle of the Scheldt

As the fourth phase of the battle opened, only the island of Walcheren at the mouth of the West Scheldt remained in German hands.

Rifleman Khan

In November 1944 the battalion was part of the Allied force sent to attack the island of Walcheren in the Netherlands, as part of the Battle of the Scheldt.

Les Fusiliers Mont-Royal

The Second World War: Dieppe, L'Escaut, Bourgebus Ridge, Saint-André-sur-Orne, Verrières Ridge—Tilly-la-Campagne, Falaise, Falaise Road, The Liaison, Forêt de la Londe, Dunkirk 1944, Antwerp-Turnhout Canal, The Scheldt, Woensdrecht, South Beveland, The Rhineland, The Hochwald, Xanten, The Rhine, Groningen, Oldenburg, North-West Europe 1942 '44-45

see also