
2 unusual facts about Beau Geste


Ataq is described by Lonely Planet as "not at all like an inland Yemeni town"; other publications have described it as Beau Geste in appearance and "completely different" and surrounded by desert.

The Desert Song

Many tales romanticizing Arab North Africa were in vogue, including Beau Geste and The Son of the Sheik.

Christopher Cazenove

Omnibus: The British Hero (1973 BBC TV documentary/selected dramatised scenes) — Heroes: Tom Brown, Richard Hannay, Beau Geste, Bulldog Drummond and James Bond

Thomas Blackshear

Other U.S. postage stamps with Blackshear illustrations include portraits of Joe Louis, Jelly Roll Morton and Thelonious Monk for the Jazz Series, and illustrations for stamps commemorating James Cagney, The Wizard of Oz, Gone with the Wind, Beau Geste and Stagecoach for the Classic Hollywood Movies series, as well as several stamps for Classic Movie Monsters.

see also