
unusual facts about Beefsteak Club

Berkeley Sheffield

Sheffield lived at 8 South Audley Street in London, and was a member of the Turf Club, the Jockey Club, the Orleans Club and the Beefsteak Club.

Charles Ritcheson

Ritcheson is a member of Phi Beta Kappa, Fellow of the Royal Historical Society, a member of the Texas Institute of Letters, the Société Française d'Archeologie, Association pour le rayonnement de l'Opéra national de Paris, Brooks's, the Beefsteak Club, London, and the Cosmos Club, Washington, D.C.

Charles Willie Mathews

Mathews was very sociable; he was a member of the Turf, Garrick, and Beefsteak Clubs, and was a friend of King Edward VII and King George V.

see also

Narindar Saroop

He is a member of the Beefsteak Club (London), the Cavalry and Guards Club (London), Pratt's (London), the Imperial Delhi Gymkhana Club, the Royal Bombay Yacht Club and the Royal Calcutta Golf Club.