
unusual facts about Beet


The town also an international TGV rail station, the Gare TGV Haute-Picardie, nicknamed "The sugar-beet station" named after the predominant crop of the area.

Amalga, Utah

In 1941, the Cache Valley Dairy Association purchased the former sugar beet plant to allow the co-op to process their own milk into Swiss cheese.

Beet pulp

Another concern expressed by horse owners is that dry beet pulp will absorb water and swell in a horse's stomach, causing digestive problems such as impaction or colic.

Betley Bridge

During the Second World War the Steyning Line was an important route to move sugar beet from Sussex farms from Henfield station towards the capital, and Betley Bridge was a strategic target for German bombers.

Empoasca decipiens

They have a very broad host plants range, mainly broad bean (Vicia faba), green bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), pea (Pisum sativum), potato (Solanum tuberosum), tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), aubergine (Solanum melongena) and cucumber (Cucumis sativus), as well as sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) and cotton (genus Gossypium).

George Beet

George Beet, Jr. (1904–1949), Derbyshire cricketer, son of George Beet, Sr.

Golden syrup

In Germany, a similar product called Zuckerrübensirup (literally "sugar-beet syrup") is a popular spread, especially in the western part of the country around Cologne.

L. perennis

Lupinus perennis, the Indian beet, old maid's bonnets, blue lupine or sundial lupine, a plant species widespread in the eastern part of the United States

Loxostege sticticalis

The larvae feed on various herbaceous plants, such as Artemisia vulgaris, Beet, Chenopodium album and Artemisia campestris.

Macrobiotic diet

Nightshade vegetables, including tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, eggplant; also spinach, beets and avocados are not recommended or used sparingly in macrobiotic cooking, as they are considered extremely yin.


They billed themselves The First Punk Band Behind The Iron Curtain (one of their songs has a title Behind iron curtain old brods are pulling the red beet).

Sapporo Beer Museum

William Clark was a president of the Massachusetts Agricultural College, which had one of the best techniques of beet production in the United States at that time, and he hoped to establish the beet cultivation in Hokkaidō during his stay.

The Get Wets

The group has also performed live on two occasions on local music show the Columbia Beet airing on WUSC-FM.

William Digby Seymour

How to employ Capital in Western Ireland, being Answers to Questions upon the Manufacture of Beet-sugar, Flax, and Chicory in connection with a Land Investment in the West of Ireland, 2nd edit.

see also