Jagdschloss Bellin, a hunting castle in Bellin, a village ten kilometers south of Güstrow (today in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) was identified to be a safety home for the children.
Howard Bellin and his wife were known for their extravagant parties attended by a variety of glamorous personalalities that included Jacob K. Javits and Zsa Zsa Gabor.
Dr. Bellin has three children, Cheryl Blanchard, Marco Bellin and the director and screenwriter Andy Bellin.
Dr. Howard Bellin appeared on the reality television series The Real Housewives of New York City, where he provided liposuction for Sonja Morgan.
Largely with the appearance of the eyewitness account of Ginés de Mafra, the only seaman in Magellan's fleet to return to Mazaua, whose testimony reveals a concrete, measurable description of Mazaua, the skein starting from the garbled version of Pigafetta by Ramusio to the mishandling by Combés to Bellin and finally to Amoretti has been unraveled: Pigafetta's Gatighan is Bellin's Limasava.
Bellin is a medical doctor specialising in anaesthesiology, and works in intensive care at Sandwell General Hospital, West Bromwich, England.
But this name did not take root, and was replaced a year later with Bellin, named after Jacques-Nicolas Bellin (1703-1772).
Bellin also published columns on Jewish cooking in Gourmet Magazine and a syndicated column for the Jewish Telegraphic Agency and various Jewish newspapers.
He was the son of Major Isaac Preston Jr. (New Amsterdam, New York; Amherst Island, ON, Manvers Township, ON, and Vancouver, BC) and Mary Anne Woodside (Bellin, County Londonderry, Ireland, and Amherst Island, ON.)