Jagdschloss Bellin, a hunting castle in Bellin, a village ten kilometers south of Güstrow (today in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) was identified to be a safety home for the children.
Due to inadequate space, the groups of 1979 to 1985 were moved to the School of Friendship in Staßfurt.
The education for the SWAPO-Pionier aimed at placing most of these youths in elite leadership positions for the development of the country once Namibia achieved its independence.
Namibia | All My Children | Save the Children | children's book | Married... with Children | St. Jude Children's Research Hospital | Children's literature | Children of Bodom | children's literature | children's novel | Children of the Corn | Children in Need | Children's Hospital of Philadelphia | Rehoboth, Namibia | Children's Literature Association | children | National Center for Missing and Exploited Children | Midnight's Children | Children's Television Workshop | children's books | Children of Men | University of Namibia | United Nations Children's Fund | Children's Hour | children's | Children of Paradise | The Children's Hour | street children | Namibia national rugby union team | children's television series |