
2 unusual facts about Belted Kingfisher

Belted Kingfisher

The Megaceryle large green kingfishers were formerly placed in Ceryle with the Pied Kingfisher, but the latter is closer to the Chloroceryle American green kingfishers.

The Belted Kingfisher's closest living relative is the Ringed Kingfisher (M. torquata), and these two in all probability originated from an African Megaceryle which colonized the Americas.


The Belted Kingfisher's Latin species name (Megaceryle alcyon) also references her name.


Syndactyly, as it occurs in birds, is like anisodactyly, except that the third and fourth toes (the outer and middle forward-pointing toes), or three toes, are fused together, as in the Belted Kingfisher Megaceryle alcyon.

Water kingfisher

The Belted Kingfisher, M. alcyon, is the only kingfisher that is widespread in North America, though M. torquata may be found as far north as Texas and Arizona.

Not longer than 5 million years ago - possibly as recently as 2.9 million years ago -, an Old World giant kingfisher became the ancestor of the Belted and Ringed Kingfishers, and later, another species related to the Pied Kingfisher became the ancestor of the Chloroceryle green kingfishers after colonizing the Americas.

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