The lighthouse is named for its original keeper, "Spafford Barker Belyea" and the area's original United Empire Loyalist settler, "Hendrick Belyea".
It was built in 1881, commenced operation on June 1, 1882, with Spafford Barker Belyea serving as its first keeper and later rebuilt at a slightly different location after having been damaged due to severe flooding in the 1930s.
West Point | Guiding Light | Electric Light Orchestra | light rail | Edmonton Light Rail Transit | West Point, New York | light curve | Light-emitting diode | light novel | Charge of the Light Brigade | High Point, North Carolina | William Light | light | incandescent light bulb | Stevens Point | Point Break | Light | High Point | Florida Power & Light | Cedar Point | Point Pleasant | Dana Point, California | Bayview-Hunters Point, San Francisco | Baltimore Light Rail | Wheeler's Point, Minnesota | Wheeler's Point | traffic light | The Tipping Point | Point Reyes | Point of sale |
After a collaboration with Ming Liu (born Charles Belyea) in the 1980s and eight years of training and retreat practice, Steven Tainer was declared a successor in a family lineage of yogic Taoism.