Marshall signed for Stoke City on 8 July 2009 along with fellow youngster Matthew Lund from Crewe both after progressing through the youth system at the Alexandra Stadium.
He remained there until he was 14 in 2005 before he joined Dario Gradi at Crewe Alexandra's academy in 2005, he spent a total of 4 years at Crewe Alexandra.
Driving a Top Fuel Dragster for car owner Dexter Tuttle, Beckman qualified in his first event and beat fellow rookie dragster driver, Ben Marshall earning his first professional round victory.
In Britain, Colyer played with various bands and joined, in 1949, the Crane River Jazz Band (CRJB) with Ben Marshall, Sonny Morris, Pat Hawes, John R. T. Davies, Julian Davies, Ron Bowden and Monty Sunshine.
But on 1 March 2011, Loy scored his first goal and set up a goal for Ben Marshall, who then, in turn, set up a goal for Loy, in a 3–1 win over Charlton.
John Marshall | Marshall Islands | Marshall | Marshall Plan | Thurgood Marshall | David Ben-Gurion | Ben Affleck | Ben Jonson | Marshall Space Flight Center | Ben Harper | Big Ben | Ben Kingsley | Ben Stiller | Ben Folds | Marshall McLuhan | Penny Marshall | Ben Hecht | Ben-Gurion University of the Negev | Ben Casey | Ben Bernanke | Ben-Hur | Ben E. King | Ben Webster | Marshall Crenshaw | John Marshall Harlan II | Ben Hogan | Ben Elton | Marshall Amplification | George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies | Ben Weasel |
The film stars Andrew Shim as Romeo Brass, Ben Marshall as Gavin Woolley and Paddy Considine as Morell.