In 1936, Oba Akenzua began the movement to return to Nigeria the Benin Bronzes stolen in the punitive Benin Expedition of 1897.
Although the King of Benin, Omo n’Oba (Ovonramwen), was sceptical of the British motives he was willing to endorse what he believed was a friendship and trade agreement.
Subsequently a military operation against Benin in 1897 led by Harry Rawson resulted in the burning of Benin City and the deaths of untold numbers of its inhabitants.
Benin | Pancho Villa Expedition | Northern Expedition | Lewis and Clark Expedition | French Antarctic Expedition | 1897 | Vancouver Expedition | Expedition Robinson | Northern Expedition (1926–1927) | Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition | Belgian Antarctic Expedition | Terra Nova Expedition | Ford Expedition | Benin City | University of Benin | punitive expedition | Challenger expedition | Canon de 75 modèle 1897 | Kandi, Benin | Calvert Expedition | Blandowski Expedition | Australasian Antarctic Expedition | Transglobe Expedition | Texas Santa Fe Expedition | Swedish Antarctic Expedition | Railtown 1897 State Historic Park | Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan | Mier Expedition | Great Northern Expedition | Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition |