
unusual facts about Bergmann's rule

Deep-sea gigantism

In the case of marine crustaceans, it has been proposed that the increase in size with depth occurs for the same reasons as the increase in size with latitude (Bergmann's rule): both trends involve increasing size with decreasing temperature.

4n + 2

Hückel's rule in organic chemistry, also known as the 4n + 2 rule

Allen's rule

Behavior (e.g., gathering insulation when it is cold, moving into shade when it is hot)

Bergmann Battalion

The Bergmann battalion was formed of the émigrés and Soviet POWs from the Caucasian republics at Neuhammer in October 1941.

Bergmann Offensive

On 15 November, Bergmann's troops crossed the border in the general direction of Köprüköy.

Bergmann-Bayard pistol

It aroused the interest of a number of armies and was the subject of several trials in competition with the Mauser C96, Mannlicher, Browning and Luger pistols.

The original grips were made of Trolit, a checkered plastic material similar to Bakelite.

Carl von Liebermeister

"Liebermeister's rule" states that in adult febrile tachycardia, pulse-beats increase at a rate of approximately eight beats per minute to each degree Celsius.

Emery's Rule

In 1909, the entomologist Carlo Emery noted that social parasites among insects (e.g., cleptoparasites) tend to be parasites of species or genera to which they are closely related.

Epipompilus insularis

This pattern appears to be an example of Allen's rule and is seen in other New Zealand Pompilids but is less marked in E. insularis due to its greater extent of sexual dimorphism with the males always being more uniformly dark.

Erika Bergmann

Bergmann soon moved on to the Oederan subcamp of Flossenbürg where she served out the rest of the war, after which an East German court found her guilty of murder and sentenced her to life imprisonment.

In 1943 Bergmann arrived at Ravensbrück where she received her initial training and first assignment.


Disbanded users were the Medical Instruction Battalion 851, the Reserve Hospital Group 7609 and a branch of the former Military Hospital Amberg.

The huge main building (earlier on number 1701; today number 1) was the second largest after the Pentagon, which was used by the U.S. Army.

Frederik Bergmann Larsen

Frederik Ludvig Christian Bergmann Larsen (12 October 1839 in Randers – 19 April 1916 in Hadsten), better known as Doctor Larsen, was a famous Danish doctor.

Frithjof Bergmann

In 1984, Bergmann founded an organisation called the Center for New Work (sometimes called just New Work) in Flint, Michigan.

Gloger's rule

It was named after the zoologist Constantin Wilhelm Lambert Gloger, who first remarked upon this phenomenon in 1833 in a review of covariation of climate and avian plumage color.

However absorption of a certain amount of UV radiation is necessary for the production of certain vitamins, notably vitamin D (see also Osteomalacia).

Hellmuth Kleinsorge

Amongst his awards were the Ernst-von-Bergmann-Plakette of the German Medical Association as well as the Bundesverdienstkreuz am Bande (Federal Cross of Merit).


Hückel's rule, a method of determining aromaticity in organic molecules

Humans as Gods

Snegov's career in literature was a hard one: being subjected to repression during Stalin's rule, he remained under informal suspicion in later life.

Island effect

Foster's rule, also known as the Island rule or the Island effect, where island populations of animals change in size

Jason Bergmann

Bergmann became the Sugar Land Skeeters' closer after working as a set-up man for Camden previously.

Julius Bergmann

Julius Bergmann (born Opherdike, Westphalia, 1840; died Marburg, 1904) was a German philosopher.


Augustus Matthiessen (1831-1870), British physicist and chemist, notable for Matthiessen's rule.


Kin selection based on Hamiliton’s Rule provides an explanation to the population genetics framework and specifies the patterns of local and family genetic makeup that results in the most favorable outcome.


Other staff members currently pursuing other gaming industry ventures include Jeff Van Camp, who writes articles for technology website Digital Trends, and Dean Bergmann, who assists with video production at Digital Extremes.

Non-Kekulé molecule

According to Hund's rule, each orbital is filled with one electron with parallel spin, avoiding the Coulomb repulsion by filling one orbital with two electrons.

Paul Bergmann

Bergmann was a starting member of UCLA's 1983 Rose Bowl, where he led all receivers with 6 catches, and the 1984 Rose Bowl Championship, where he caught the first touchdown pass of the game, thrown by Rick Neuheisel.

Sabine Bergmann-Pohl

Since 1990 Bergmann-Pohl has been the Patron of the General Disabled Persons in Germany (ABID eV) and since 2003 President of the Berlin Red Cross.

Sabine Bergmann-Pohl née Schulz (born 20 April 1946 in Eisenach, Thuringia) is a German doctor and politician.

Silence! The Musical

The original NY cast included Brent Barrett as Hannibal Lecter, Jenn Harris as Clarice, Stephen Bienskie as Buffalo Bill, Deidre Goodwin as Ardelia Mapp, Jeff Hiller, Howard Kaye as Papa Starling, Lucia Spina in a dual role as both Senator and Catherine Martin, Callan Bergmann as Jack Crawford, Harry Bouvy, and Ashlee Dupré.

Simpson's rule

It is widely used, for example, by naval architects to numerically integrate hull offsets and cross-sectional areas to determine volumes and centroids of ships or lifeboats.

Ted Bergmann

By 1976, Bergmann would take on the job as the production manager for the ABC-TV sitcom Three's Company, serving in that capacity during the series eight season run on ABC.

Thorson's rule

Thorson's rule (named after Gunnar Thorson by S. A. Mileikovsky in 1971)

see also