The building briefly appeared in the 2006 film, "Children of Men", shown along with buildings in other cities that had been subject to attacks.
The building, under the provisional name "Centre Administratif Europe", was designed by Lucien de Vestel, in association with Jean Gilson (Groupe Alpha), André & Jean Polak and with the recommendations of the engineer Joris Schmidt.
Seeing it as a profitable investment, the following companies joined Berlaymont 2000: Citilease (affiliate of Citybank), CGER and BACOB.
The EUMS is located in the Kortenberg building, a short distance from the Berlaymont building, at Avenue de Kortenberg 150, B-1040 Brussels.
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Jian's photos on China's village governance toured the nation's seven provinces as well as the headquarters of the European Commission in Brussels and the European Parliament in Strasburg.