
3 unusual facts about European Union Military Staff

European Union Military Staff

It is directly attached to the private office of the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, currently Catherine Ashton, and is formally part of the European External Action Service.

EUFOR is a temporary military deployment, not a permanent military force, and should not be confused with the Eurocorps, Eurofor or the Helsinki Headline Goal Force Catalogue, sometime misleadingly known as the 'European Rapid Reaction Force'.

The EUMS is located in the Kortenberg building, a short distance from the Berlaymont building, at Avenue de Kortenberg 150, B-1040 Brussels.


EUFOR is subordinate to the European Union Military Staff, and complements other EU military forces such as Eurocorps, the European Gendarmerie Force, European Maritime Force and EU Battlegroups.

see also