
unusual facts about Berlusconi

2013 Silvio Berlusconi conviction

Minetti was known for previous associations with Berlusconi, having danced for Colorado Cafe, a show on one of Berlusconi's TV channels, and on Scorie, an Italian version of Candid Camera.

Amatori Rugby Milano

Between 1988 and 1997 Amatori Milano was part of the A.C. Milan sport club under the ownership of Silvio Berlusconi and won 4 domestic championship; when Berlusconi dropped the sport club in order to keep the football team only Amatori folded; the club were revived in 2002 and is currently coached by Marcello Cuttitta, a former Italian international rugby union player that played for Amatori in the Nineties.

Augusto Sorriso

Sorriso later ran for Berlusconi's People of Freedom coalition in the 2008 election.

Cesare Previti

In this capacity, he engineered the sale of her villa in Arcore to Berlusconi, for 500 million lire, paid in the form of shares in then-unquoted companies.

Contract with the Italians

Journalists Marco Travaglio and Peter Gomez, in their book Le mille balle blu, have stated that none of the five points was complied and concluded ironically: "Although missed all five goals, Silvio Berlusconi is re-nominated. So does not maintain even the sixth and final commitment"

Dispersal of ownership

Dispersed ownership can prevent such abuse of power --- the "Berlusconi effect.".

Draquila – L'Italia che trema

Sabina Guzzanti caricatures Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and is critical of the government, especially Berlusconi and Guido Bertolaso, the chief of the Protezione Civile.

Foundation of Freedom

In this respect the faction collaborates with the two other main groups coming from National Alliance which are loyal to Berlusconi, Protagonist Italy (leaders: Maurizio Gasparri, Ignazio La Russa) and New Italy (leader: Gianni Alemanno), along with some minor groups (Christian Reformists, Movement for Italy, etc.).

Generation Italy

Generation Italy was launched in April 2010 by Italo Bocchino, at the time the deputy-leader of the PdL in the Chamber of Deputies, in order to better represent Fini's views within the party and to push for a different party organization, which was thought to be too dependent on Berlusconi's personality.

On 20 April 52 MPs (39 deputies and 13 senators) signed a document in support of Fini and his theses, while other 74 MPs formerly members of AN, including Ignazio La Russa, Maurizio Gasparri, Altero Matteoli and Giorgia Meloni, plus the Mayor of Rome Gianni Alemanno, signed an alternative document in which they reasserted their loyalty to the party and Berlusconi.

Giro di Padania

This edition was heavily disrupted by activists protesting against the Lega Nord and the Berlusconi government austerity plans.

John Graham Davies

In Spring 2009, Graham-Davies' play 'Beating Berlusconi', based on Liverpool FC's remarkable 2005 UEFA Champions League victory over AC Milan began touring across venues on Merseyside including the Unity Theatre in Liverpool, and has subsequently toured internationally, with a Norwegian production opening in the autumn of 2011.

Kostas Gousgounis

Member of the Greek Parliament Liana Kanelli has declared that if she had to choose between the subtext of the Sarkozi-Merkel alliance, which supports Berlusconi on one hand, and Gousgounis on the other, she would choose Gousgounis even in his old age.

Marcello Dell'Utri

After the Appeals court ruling, Dell'Utri expressed his admiration for the late Vittorio Mangano, a convicted Mafioso who up to his death in prison denied that any link existed between Cosa Nostra and Dell'Utri and Berlusconi.

In 1973, Dell’Utri introduced Vittorio Mangano, already charged for Mafia crimes, to Silvio Berlusconi, as a gardener and stable man at the Villa San Martino owned by Berlusconi in Arcore, a small town near Milan.

Nicola Cosentino

pressuring the Constitutional court to consider as legitimate the Lodo Alfano (a law which would have saved then prime minister Berlusconi from several of his trials, and which was finally declared invalid)

Nicola Panaro

Nicola Panaro is accused of being the intermediary of the clan in financial transactions with Nicola Cosentino, Undersecretary to the Ministry of Economy of Premier Berlusconi’s fourth Government and head of Berlusconi's People of Freedom (PdL) party in Campania.

No Berlusconi Day

The events kept going on for the whole day, since No Berlusconi Day demonstrations took place all over the world: Berlin, Paris, London, Buenos Aires, Madrid, New York and even Beijing.

Pact for Italy

The Italian People's Party suffered a split of those who wanted to join Berlusconi's centre-right (the United Christian Democrats of Rocco Buttiglione) and those who wanted to ally with the left-wing Democratic Party of the Left.

Piero Camporesi

(edit by) Giulio Cesare Croce, Le sottilissime astuzie di Bertoldo (Torino: Einaudi 1973 e Milano: Berlusconi 1994)

Robert Zambito

Zambito subsequently broke with Berlusconi's party and sought election to the Italian Chamber of Deputies in the 2013 Italian general election as a candidate of Mario Monti's With Monti for Italy coalition.

Sandro Bondi

Subsequently getting to know Silvio Berlusconi via the sculptor Pietro Cascella, he became Berlusconi's secretary, collaborator and faithful advisor, so much so that - for Berlusconi's 2001 campaign - he was given the task of quickly coordinating the compilation of Una storia italiana (An Italian Story), a book of photographs on Berlusconi's public and private life, as electoral propaganda for future elections (as used by all Italian families).

In the course of the 2008 general election he participated in hustings in several Italian towns, as well as one in teatro Fenaroli in the city of Lanciano, where he declared that he did not wish to leave Berlusconi alone in government, as had been done in the past, thus leaving an invitation for all to lean on and encourage him.

Viva Zapatero!

Mediaset, one of Berlusconi's companies, sued the Italian state broadcasting company RAI because of the Guzzanti show asking for 20 million Euro for "damages" and from November 2003 she was forced to appear only in theatres around Italy.

see also