
3 unusual facts about Bernadette Kanter

Bernadette Kanter

Animal sculptor, she created in 2002 Dogs of the bridge guard at Mantes-la-Jolie (near Paris), two bronze sculptures guards the entrance to the city after the bridge Peronnet, and a realization in 2004 for Aérospatiale, an aircraft-bird Nungesser and Colis.

In 1974, after studying at the College of artistic careers of Paris (ICART), at the École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris, and the Académie de la Grande Chaumière in Montparnasse (Paris), she installs her studio in Buchelay (near Paris).

Bernadette Kanter is a French sculptor born in Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray (Normandy) in 1950, her preferred material is bronze.

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