
4 unusual facts about Bernardo de Balbuena


Demorgogon also is mentioned in the Book II of the epic poema El Bernardo written in Mexico by Bernardo de Balbuena in the seventeenth century and published in Spain during 1624.

Juan Diego

For example, Bernardo de Balbuena wrote a poem while in Mexico City in 1602 entitled La Grandeza Mexicana in which he mentions all the cults and sanctuaries of any importance in Mexico City except Guadalupe, and Antonio de Remesal published in 1620 a general history of the New World which devoted space to Zumárraga but was silent about Guadalupe.

Metro Balbuena

The station logo depicts the flowers of the neighborhood Jardín Balbuena ("Balbuena's Garden"), named after Bernardo de Balbuena (1568–1627), a Spanish poet who wrote the famous poem "La Grandeza Mexicana".


Bernardo de Balbuena, appointed Bishop of Puerto Rico in 1620, who wrote Baroque poetry extolling the beauties of Mexico.

see also