
5 unusual facts about Bert Firman

Bert Firman

In 1929 Firman was given a six-month contract to be a guest conductor at N.B.C., becoming the first British bandleader to broadcast in America.

Firman then formed a band in London, which he took to Les Ambassadeurs restaurant in Paris.

George Melachrino

In the 1930s, Melachrino started working for bands led by Ambrose singing & playing saxophone with Carroll Gibbons at the Savoy Hotel London, and Bert Firman, and started playing on radio for the BBC.

Sam Costa

Sam Costa began as a pianist with Bert Firman's band and later became a popular British dance band singer in the 1930s making many records with bands such as Lew Stone, Harry Leader, Maurice Winnick and Jay Wilbur.

Sylvester Ahola

In 1927 he moved to England and landed a job playing with the Savoy Orpheans and then gigged with Bert Firman and Bert Ambrose.

Ivor Mairants

From the 1930s he was a featured banjoist and then guitarist of many of Britain's leading dance bands including those of Bert Firman, Ambrose, Roy Fox, Lew Stone, Geraldo and Ted Heath.

see also

Anne Lenner

Her overseas work also included Monte Carlo where she had a show at the Casino and in Paris where she sang with Bert Firman.