
3 unusual facts about Best Bitz from Back Den

Best Bitz from Back Den

Highlights include attacks by Ted, a malicious panda, on the presenters, Christmas specials of The Den and footage is also shown of characters such as Captain Joke, Captain Pillowcase and Cousin Nigel and the Irish Film and Television awards of 1989 where Zig and Zag "accidentally" mistook then taoiseach Albert Reynolds with actor Burt Reynolds and addressed him as "your majesty".

Current Today FM presenters Ian Dempsey and Ray D'Arcy, who both worked in children's television at different times in the early parts of their respective careers, feature heavily in the special which looks back at Zig and Zag's origins on Dempsey's Den.

Zig and Zag preceded what became a wave of puppets that have featured in RTÉ children's schedules, such as Dustin the Turkey, best known outside Ireland for being that country's entry into the 2008 Eurovision Song Contest, and Podge and Rodge who have achieved solo success with popular night-time shows, A Scare at Bedtime and The Podge and Rodge Show.

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