
3 unusual facts about Beti

Anatole Marie Nkou

He is also the younger brother of His Majesty Innocent Ondoa Nkou, Paramount Chief of the Evouzok-Ewondo tribe (Fifinda) and Vice General Manager of the BICEC Cameroun groupe BPCE.

Beti-Pahuin peoples

Most Beti-Pahuin peoples also speak their countries’ official languages: Spanish in Equatorial Guinea (Annobonese in Annobón); French in Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, and Gabon; Portuguese, Angolar, Principense, and Forro in São Tomé and Príncipe, English in Cameroon.

Nevertheless, the native animist beliefs were never completely extinguished, and traditional practices have enjoyed a resurgence since 1945, such as the Bwiti religion and, as has a flowering of new styles of music and dance, such as the Bikutsi of the Ewondos.

Northwest Bantu languages

Other than the H40 language Kongo, which is not frequently included, the numerically most important Northwest Bantu language is the zone-A Beti dialect cluster, consisting of Fang, Ewondo, Bulu, and other varieties spoken by two million people.

see also