He is also the younger brother of His Majesty Innocent Ondoa Nkou, Paramount Chief of the Evouzok-Ewondo tribe (Fifinda) and Vice General Manager of the BICEC Cameroun groupe BPCE.
Most Beti-Pahuin peoples also speak their countries’ official languages: Spanish in Equatorial Guinea (Annobonese in Annobón); French in Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, and Gabon; Portuguese, Angolar, Principense, and Forro in São Tomé and Príncipe, English in Cameroon.
Nevertheless, the native animist beliefs were never completely extinguished, and traditional practices have enjoyed a resurgence since 1945, such as the Bwiti religion and, as has a flowering of new styles of music and dance, such as the Bikutsi of the Ewondos.
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Other than the H40 language Kongo, which is not frequently included, the numerically most important Northwest Bantu language is the zone-A Beti dialect cluster, consisting of Fang, Ewondo, Bulu, and other varieties spoken by two million people.