As she makes her way back to the Indies, which has since proclaimed its independence, Fatima's ship is captured by Dutch soldiers from the Netherlands Indies Civil Administration (NICA).
Before the capitulation of Japan NICA units already established civil administration in New Guinea (i.e. Hollandia, Biak and Manokwari, Numfur), the Moluccas (Morotai) and Borneo (Tarakan and Balikpapan).
Netherlands | American Civil War | West Indies | Spanish Civil War | Austrian Netherlands | Federal Aviation Administration | English Civil War | Food and Drug Administration | Master of Business Administration | Dutch East Indies | Drug Enforcement Administration | International Civil Aviation Organization | Union (American Civil War) | Works Progress Administration | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | Netherlands national football team | American Civil Liberties Union | Russian Civil War | West Indies cricket team | American Society of Civil Engineers | University of the West Indies | Food and Drug Administration (United States) | General Services Administration | British West Indies | civil engineering | Chinese Civil War | Civil Air Patrol | Royal Netherlands Navy | Sri Lankan Civil War | Beatrix of the Netherlands |
Following the Japanese occupation of Indonesia during World War Two, he served as a member of the Netherlands Indies Civil Administration and rose to the position of Governor of East Java.