Throughout New World Translation in Japanese, the publishers chose to use the name Ehoba, a Japanized form of Jehovah (itself a translation of the Hebrew name represented by the Tetragrammaton).
In the Catholic Church, Emile Raguet of the MEP translated the New Testament from the Vulgate Latin version and published it in 1910.
Bible | Japanese language | Japanese people | Second Sino-Japanese War | Imperial Japanese Navy | Imperial Japanese Army | Hebrew Bible | Japanese yen | Japanese television drama | Back to the Bible | Russo-Japanese War | Gutenberg Bible | Korea under Japanese rule | The Bible | Japanese tea ceremony | Japanese garden | Japanese cuisine | Japanese American | Japanese name | Japanese mythology | Japanese literature | Japanese Government Railways | Japanese Communist Party | Japanese art | Adam (Bible) | Japanese National Railways | First Sino-Japanese War | Japanese poetry | Japanese idol | Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service |