Then in the 1970s, largely through the publication of two books, Thomas L. Thompson's The Historicity of the Patriarchal Narratives and John Van Seters' Abraham in History and Tradition it became widely accepted that the remaining chapters of Genesis were equally non-historical.
He has been scathing in his dismissal of "minimalists" who deny any historical value to the Biblical accounts.
Biblical Magi | Biblical Sabbath | minimalism | Biblical Mount Sinai | Biblical inspiration | Biblical criticism | Minimalism | Bethany (Biblical village) | Biblical literalism | Society of Biblical Literature | Biblical theology | Biblical inerrancy | Biblical canon | The Genesis Flood: The Biblical Record and Its Scientific Implications | Lot (biblical person) | Jubilee (Biblical) | Job (Biblical figure) | James Barr (biblical scholar) | Covenant (biblical) | biblical Mount Sinai | biblical canon | Zechariah (biblical) | Ruth (biblical figure) | Psychological biblical criticism | Minimalism (computing) | List of biblical names | Jubilee (biblical) | Journal of Biblical Literature | Job (biblical figure) | Eli (Biblical priest) |