
7 unusual facts about Big Bad Wolf

Dorothy Compton

From 1933 onward she made more appearances in the next 3 installments of the Three Little Pigs: The Big Bad Wolf (1934), The Three Little Wolves (1936) and The Practical Pig (1939) along with minor appearances in It's Great to Be Alive (1933) and I Married an Angel (1942)

False Hare

The Big Bad Wolf worshiped by his nephew, who calls him "Uncle Big Bad" invites Bugs Bunny to join the Club Del Conejo, a club for rabbits.

Great Ice Odyssey

Mickey and Minnie plan to invite The Three Little Pigs to the ball as well, and they drive off in Goofy's jalopy to do it, but the pigs are hesitant, because they are being threatened by The Big Bad Wolf.

The Fairy-tale Detectives

But just as things are looking their bleakest, he is stopped by Mr. Canis, who transforms into the Big Bad Wolf (trapped in Mr. Canis's body), and the giant is sent back to his kingdom.

The Land of Stories

Soon they are nearly the victims of the Big Bad Wolf Pack, a group of renegade wolves led by a head wolf named Malumclaw.

The Wolf Among Us

The player-protagonist of The Wolf Among Us is Bigby Wolf, formerly the Big Bad Wolf.

The reformed Big Bad Wolf, Bigby Wolf (voiced by Adam Harrington), is the sheriff of Fabletown and is responsible for hiding the community from the wider world and enforcing its laws.


The toy, designed by German designer Silke Leffler, is inspired by the fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood as a representation of the Big Bad Wolf.

Red Riding Hoodwinked

' latest adaptation of the "Little Red Riding Hood" children's story, with the Big Bad Wolf and Granny playing their respective roles, with Tweety and Sylvester taking appropriate sides.

Tom Thumb and Little Red Riding Hood

The film starts at the meeting of the evil monsters in the castle in the Haunted Forest, heart of the Devil's dominion, during which the Vampire (Quintín Bulnes) accuses the Wolf (Manuel Valdés) and the Ogre (José Elías Moreno) of betraying the Queen Witch (La Reina Bruja, renamed Queen of Badness in the English dub), who orders them to be executed.

Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary

They offer first-hand knowledge that wolves are not the Big Bad Wolf of fairy tales such as Little Red Riding Hood.

see also

Star lifting

He dubbed it the "Huff-n-Puff" method, inspired from the Big Bad Wolf's threats in the fairy tale of Three Little Pigs.

Three Little Bops

The Three Little Pigs and The Big Bad Wolf make a cameo appearance on the bleachers watching the basketball playoff against the Monstars and the Toon Squad in Space Jam.

The Big Bad Wolf, who first appeared in Pigs in a Polka and had previously appeared as Uncle Big Bad in The Turn-Tale Wolf, would appear in another two Golden Age cartoons: Now Hare This and False Hare, also as Uncle Big Bad.

This cartoon was included (in slightly edited form) as part of the 1981 film The Looney Looney Looney Bugs Bunny Movie; presented as part of a fictitious awards show, it features brief "interviews" with both the Big Bad Wolf and the Three Little Pigs as they arrive at the theater during the awards pre-show.

Walt Disney Treasures: Wave One

Songs of the Silly Symphonies: Leonard Maltin meets with Richard M. Sherman to discuss some of the Silly Symphonies' songs, including "The World Owes Me a Livin'" and "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?".