Around the turn of the 20th century the Bighorn Basin was settled by ranchers such as William "Buffalo Bill" Cody who founded the town of Cody and owned a great deal of land surrounding the Shoshone River.
Thanks to the well-preserved Ptilodus specimens found in the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, we know that these multituberculates were able to abduct and adduct their big toes, and thus that their foot mobility was similar to that of modern squirrels, which descend trees head first.
Amazon Basin | Great Basin | drainage basin | Drainage basin | Battle of the Little Bighorn | Tarim Basin | Congo Basin | Basin Reserve | Vienna Basin | Thuringian Basin | Permian Basin | Columbia Basin | basin | Amazon basin | Pannonian Basin | Niya (Tarim Basin) | Little Bighorn River | Sydney Basin | Sorbas basin | Melut Basin | Los Angeles Basin | Little Bighorn | Great Basin Desert | David Taylor Model Basin | Chicago Basin | Bighorn Sheep | Bedford Basin | Basin Street | Badwater Basin | Anadarko Basin |