Attorney-General Billy Snedden told parliament that the party was under surveillance and probably had a membership of fewer than 100.
Billy Joel | Billy Wilder | Billy Crystal | Billy Bob Thornton | Billy Taylor | Billy Hart | Billy Connolly | Billy Bragg | Billy Idol | Billy Cobham | Billy Preston | Billy Ray Cyrus | Billy Graham | Billy Eckstine | Billy Budd | Billy the Kid | Billy Sunday | Billy Mitchell | Billy Zane | Billy Squier | Billy Martin | Billy Corgan | Billy Ocean | Billy Joe Shaver | Billy Meredith | Billy West | Billy Hughes | Billy Elliot | Billy Daniels | John Boy and Billy |
After the Liberals lost office to Labor under Gough Whitlam, he served in the Shadow Cabinet under Billy Snedden and Malcolm Fraser from 1972 to 1975, acting as the party spokesman on Education and later Defence.