
unusual facts about Biome


Ecosystem: Orjen, vegetation belt between 1,100- 1,450 m, Oromediterranean zone, nemoral zone (temperate zone)

American Megafauna

There is a huge (almost endless) variety of species that can evolve via DNA chains, and the random tile map board setup is constantly changing due to certain random events (e.g., Erosion, Greenhouse and icehouse Earth, and Milankovich cycles), Catastrophes (e.g., an Impact event or a solar flare), and the addition of new Biome tiles during play.

Bulgunnia Station

Bulgunnia has been classified by BirdLife International as an Important Bird Area because it is a stronghold for the restricted-range and near-threatened Chestnut-breasted Whiteface as well as supporting the biome-restricted Inland Dotterel, Bourke's Parrot, Chiming Wedgebill, Cinnamon Quail-thrush, Pied Honeyeater and Thick-billed Grasswren.

Inspiration Peak

In fact both biomes are present on the hill; its foot is covered with a predominantly oak forest, while its open upper reaches have prairie species such as pasqueflower, blazing star, asters, and goldenrod.

Lepidochrysops hypopolia

Proposed habitats for this species are KwaZulu-Natal Highland Thornveld (Sub-Escarpment Grassland Bioregion) and Carletonville Dolomite Grassland (Dry Highvield Grassland Bioregion) in the Grassland Biome Unit.

Mangrove tree distribution

This Wikipedia page presents an overview of global Mangrove Forest biome trends in mangrove ecoregions distribution, as well as the cause of such changes.


Maquis shrubland or macchia is a biome in the Mediterranean region.

Po Basin mixed forests

Po Basin mixed forests is an ecoregion and biome composed of trees and other vegetation characteristically found in the temperate broadleaf and mixed forests surrounding the Po River in Northern Italy, and its watershed from the Cisalpine, or Italian side, of the Alps.

Tim O'Reilly

He uses the analogy of the biome of the human body, having more bacterial than human cells, but depending upon millions of other organisms, each pursuing their own interest, but nevertheless weaving a co-operative web.

see also