
unusual facts about Ecosystem


Abaga Falls, waterfall and ecosystem located in Mindanao, Philippines

Ahmed Mohamed Iman

His books included Toosiye Everyday English for Everyone (an English Grammar translated into Somali), Marine Ecosystem Data Gathered of Somalia and Taariikhda Taxan iyo Dhaqanka Soomaaliya (a book about the history and culture of Somalia).


Ants were not an important part of the ecosystem during the Cretaceous, and mound-building termites do not appear until the Eocene.


Ascendency, sometimes spelled "ascendancy", a quantitative attribute of an ecosystem.

Beatrice Willard Alpine Tundra Research Plots

The plots were used by Beatrice Willard of the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research at the University of Colorado from 1959 to about 1999 in a long-term study of the alpine ecosystem.

Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences

Classes are offered in Summer and Fall and course topics range from Microbial Oceanography: The Biogeochemistry, Ecology and Genomics of Oceanic Microbial Ecosystems, to Marine Invertebrate Zoology and Coral Reef Ecology.

Birch Mountains Wildland

The area has a very diverse ecosystem that supports Lake Trout, Lake Whitefish, Cisco, Arctic Grayling, Walleye & Yellow Perch; Osprey & Bald Eagles and many more.

Buck Island Reef National Monument

Two thirds of the island is surrounded by an elkhorn coral barrier reef, providing an ecosystem for over 250 fish species and a variety of other marine life including spotted eagle rays, nurse sharks and lemon sharks, and juvenile Blacktip reef sharks and Whitetip reef sharks.

Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant

Scientists at Johns Hopkins University became concerned that the discharge of heated cooling water from the plant would be detrimental to a crucial element of the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem, the bay's famed blue crabs.


The Louisiana Chenier Plain, extending roughly from Sabine Lake to Vermilion Bay along the Gulf Coast, serves critical ecosystem functions, particularly as a wildlife habitat and stopover for migrating birds.


Together with Alyki near Kontopouli and a third small lake Asprolimni, it forms a great ecosystem, where many migrating birds spend the winter.

Climax vegetation

Climax vegetation is the vegetation which establishes itself on a given site for given climatic conditions in the absence of major disturbance after a long time (it is the asymptotic or quasi-equilibrium state of the local ecosystem).

Crowdsourcing software development

Software crowdsourcing platforms including Apple Inc.’s App Store, TopCoder, and uTest demonstrate the advantage of crowdsourcing in terms of software ecosystem expansion and product quality improvement.

Cuiabá River

At Cuiabá it's lower portion enters the Pantanal ecosystem and region, flowing through extensive and important Ramsar Convention protected wetlands for waterfowl, migratory birds, and other wildlife.

David Schindler

But it was while working under Charles Sutherland Elton, one of the founders of ecology, who also established and led Oxford University's Bureau of Animal Population, that he began formulating an interdisciplinary ecosystem approach to study water and ecology.

Egmont National Park

A rich Northern rātā/Rimu/Broadleaf forest is present, although the entire park ecosystem displays distinct patterns of vegetative zonation - the former two large species of tree are common at lower elevations whereas Kamahi tends to dominate the stunted high altitude forest.

El Segundo blue butterfly

El Segundo Blue (Euphilotes battoides allyni) is a butterfly local to a small dune ecosystem in Southern California that used to be a community called Palisades del Rey, close to the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX).

Flight on Titan

Despite all this, Titan has a flourishing Arctic ecosystem, apparently at the top of which is a clawed, blubbery seal-like native race of infant-like intelligence.

Flow network

The field of ecosystem network analysis, developed by Robert Ulanowicz and others, involves using concepts from information theory and thermodynamics to study the evolution of these networks over time.


In 2005, the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) concluded that human activity is rapidly and extensively degrading ecosystem services in order to meet growing demands for food, fresh water, timber, fibre and fuel.

Greater Yellowstone Coalition

The group was formed in 1983 with the idea that protecting Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks could only be achieved by protecting the wild integrity of the last largely intact temperate ecosystem in North America.

Green New Deal

The proposals of the Green New Deal generally echo the recommendations of UN-mandated organizations like ICLEI or the TEEB, of global NGOs, and of the Basel II and related monetary accords, especially as these relate to reforms to measurement of fundamental ecosystem risk and financial liabilities.

Human biome

Human microbiome, the ecosystem of microorganisms that inhabit the human body

Kalamaili Nature Reserve

Founded in 1982, Kalamaili Nature Reserve (KNR, Kalamaili means Black Mountain in Kazakh, simplified Chinese: 卡拉麦里山有蹄类自然保护区) is a nature reserve in Xinjiang Autonomous Region of China, targeting in preserving the wildlife and natural vegetations in the arid steppe ecosystem.

Katy Prairie Conservancy

The Texas coastal prairie/marsh ecosystem originally supported large populations of alligators, bullfrogs, white-tailed deer, American bison, Pronghorn, American Black Bear, Eastern wild turkey, red wolf, Eastern Gray Squirrel, fox squirrel, and muskrat.

Kauai Palila

The ecosystem became much wetter, and the remaining Naio (Myoporum sandwicense) trees began to rot away.


Much of Kīlauea's southern ecosystem lies within the Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park, where a’e ferns, ʻōhiʻa trees (Metrosideros polymorpha), and hapu’u of the genus Cibotium are common.

Large treeshrew

Large treeshrews contribute to maintenance of their lowland rainforest ecosystem by dispersing seeds.

Lessingia germanorum

Old Monterey cypress (Cupressus macrocarpa) and Monterey pine (Pinus radiata) planted many decades ago remain in the Presidio dunes; these native California trees are not native to this particular ecosystem, and have become detrimental.

Luzula parviflora

It can grow in highly disturbed habitat, as evidenced by its ability to survive volcanic eruption and to thrive in the destroyed ecosystem on the most barren slopes of Mount St. Helens.


The sand dunes create a unique ecosystem, home to the rare Natterjack toad which is found locally in significant quantities.

Manfred Gnädinger

In November 2002, when the oil spill of the Prestige destroyed his sculptures and the ecosystem of the area he lived in, it is thought that Man let himself die of melancholy and sadness, thus becoming a symbol of the destruction unleashed by the oil spill.

Monegros Desert

Highly endangered are Great and Little Bustards, Eurasian Stone-curlew, Lesser Kestrel, Montagu's Harrier and Dupont's Lark, as these species are directly threatened by changes in the steppe ecosystem.

More Flanimals

Like Flanimals, the book features around 30 species of Flanimal, illustrated by Rob Steen, which make up their own imaginary ecosystem.

Naples Botanical Garden

Established in 1995, the garden consists of 160 acres (64.7 hectares) of lakes and lands, representing seven distinct natural habitats and ecosystems, and featuring over 600 species, with special emphasis on the ecosystems of the 26th parallel north.

Paracas Bay

The unique ecosystem, insulated from thrashing ocean waves and current by Paracas Peninsula, and its shallow warmer waters, stimulates a remarkable growth of seaweed for which much of the wildlife, particularly the birds of Paracas, thrive upon directly or indirectly.

Reflections in Bullough's Pond

Reflections in Bullough's Pond: Economy and Ecosystem in New England is a book by Diana Muir.

Richard Weatherly

In the early 1990s he was invited by the ANARE to participate in the Ecosystem Monitoring Project for the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources.

Sabicea villosa

Sabicea villosa grows in the rainforest ecosystem on Barro Colorado Island in the Panama Canal that is currently being studied by scientists from the Smithsonean Tropical Research Institute.

Sanghir squirrel

This tropical tree squirrel is the most abundant mammal on heavily-cultivated Sangir, where it is found throughout the various ecosystems of the island (including towns and farms), but is especially concentrated in the dwindling old-growth lowland tropical rainforest.

Shaw Ocean Discovery Centre

The Shaw Ocean Discovery Centre is a not-for-profit aquarium and marine education centre that focuses on the ecosystem of the Salish Sea and is located inside the Sidney Pier Hotel on the Vancouver Island town of Sidney, Canada, in the Greater Victoria region.

Theodore Modis

He has published about one hundred articles in scientific and in business journals, as well as eight books: Predictions, Conquering Uncertainty, An S-Shaped Trail to Wall Street (treating the New York Stock Exchange as an ecosystem), PREDICTIONS: 10 Years Later, BESTSELLER DRIVEN, STREET SCIENCE, Natural Laws in the Service of the Decision Maker, and Decision-Making for a New World.

Tundi Spring Agardy

The focus of the MARES (Marine Ecosystem Services) Program that she launched is on assessing the value of coastal and marine habitats for the myriad ecosystem services they provide, and identifying opportunities for Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES), offsets, or other market-like mechanisms to generate revenues that support conservation (and, very often, local communities that provide stewardship).


For most mangroves along the eastern coast of Australia, in particular Moreton Bay, turbidity levels as high as 600 Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU) are needed for proper ecosystem health.

Waking Mars

Waking Mars is an Platform-adventure game produced by Tiger Style in which players jetpack through underground Mars caves and encounter a host of alien lifeforms that operate as an ecosystem.

see also