Migratory waterfowl are a major factor in the spread of this disease as they are often asymptomatic carriers of disease.
The Migratory Birds Convention Act (also MBCA) is a Canadian law established in 1917 and significantly updated in June 1994 which contains regulations to protect migratory birds, their eggs, and their nests from hunting, trafficking and commercialization.
Next to the town is Lake Victoria a shallow saline lake that is part of the Lonsdale Lakes Nature Reserve and an important site for the waterbirds and migratory waders that form part of the population using the Ramsar-listed Swan Bay wetland system.
One theory is that it was introduced to the Old World by migratory birds, long enough ago for the Old World populations to be regarded as distinct subspecies.
The SSSI, due to its habitats, is of international importance for nature conservation, in particular as a wintering site for wildfowl and wader birds.
Activities on the margins of specific wilderness areas, such as fire suppression and the interruption of animal migration also affect the interior of wildernesses.
bird | Bird of prey | Important Bird Area | Hot Bird | Free Bird | Human migration | Big Bird | Larry Bird | bird of prey | George Bird Grinnell | bird migration | Bird migration | Bird | Andrew Bird | Lady Bird Johnson | David Bird | Thrush (bird) | John Bird | harrier (bird) | Crane (bird) | Bird's Custard | Aaron Bird | thrush (bird) | Simon Bird | Morehead River Important Bird Area | Early Bird | Brad Bird | bird colony | Animal migration | Wendell Bird |
This species is similar to the common migrant, the Spotted Flycatcher, Muscicapa striata, but is smaller and darker, especially on the underparts, than that species.
The finnstick is especially useful when watching migration (E.G. seabirds, raptors) when the horizon may be scanned literally for hours to find migrant birds.
Before about 1100 AD, the migration of birds was not properly understood and, in an attempt to explain the fact that the goose, Branta leucopsis, was never known to breed, it was believed that the birds' young hatched from the goose barnacles found in floating "nests" on the beach.
Other books include Flute's Journey (a book about bird migration) and A River Ran Wild (which discusses the cleanup of the Nashua River in Massachusetts).
MacGillivray's Warblers are migratory and spend their summers in temporate forests located in the western United States, and in boreal forests of west Canada.
The Eastern Marsh Harrier (C. spilonotus) breeds in the grasslands and wetlands of southern Siberia, northern Mongolia, north-east China, Manchuria and Japan, and migrates for the northern winter to South-east Asia, the Philippines and northern Borneo.
The refuge's objectives are to provide nesting, resting, and wintering habitat for migratory birds, including the greater snow geese and other migratory waterfowl, shorebirds, wading birds, raptors, and neotropical migrants, as well as habitat and protection for endangered and threatened species.
PRBO was founded in 1965 to study the birds migrating along the Pacific flyway, and has run the longest population study of landbirds in Western North America (continuous since 1966), as well as maintaining a year-round research presence on the Farallon Islands since 1969.
The bay is part of the South Arm Important Bird Area (IBA), identified as such by BirdLife International because of its importance for the conservation of Pied Oystercatchers and of the migratory waders, or shorebirds, of the East Asian – Australasian Flyway.
This species is resident in sub-Saharan Africa, and is the non-migratory counterpart of the Eurasian Eurasian Wryneck.
The coastal location also makes this refuge an excellent migration place for shorebirds, raptors and songbirds.
Reverse migration, a phenomenon in bird migration in which young birds travel exactly opposite to their correct route
Science North Science North, is a world-renowned science centre producing multi-media exhibits, displays and IMAX films.His most recent film is about bird migration education produced for the Philadelphia Zoo.