
unusual facts about Birds, Beasts, and Relatives

Anahuac, Texas

Anahuac NWR is home to several species of marsh birds called rails including Yellow Rail, Clapper Rail and Black Rail.

Arthur Stark

William Sclater, Dr Stark's co-author of The Birds of South Africa, died in 1944 from injuries sustained from a V-1 flying bomb dropped in London.

Bearcreek, Montana

In addition, Bearcreek plays host every autumn to Montana Falconer Symposium, the state's largest gathering of falcon trainers and birds of prey enthusiasts.

Birds Anonymous

Birds Anonymous won the Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film in 1957 beating Tabasco Road starring Speedy Gonzales and his drunk friends; both shorts were eventually given Blue Ribbon reissues.

Black-headed Bunting

In Bulgaria, the collapse of the drying cotton thistle (Onopordum acanthium) stems on which the birds build their nests has caused high mortality; this is thought to be an example of an ecological trap.


Breiðamerkursandur is an important breeding ground for birds, for example Arctic Tern and Great Skua.

California Gull

Seriously threatened birds that share the same South Bay habitat include the Snowy Plover and California Least Tern, while less-threatened birds including Black-necked Stilts, American Avocets, Forster's Terns, and Caspian Terns are also preyed upon by the abnormally large flocks of California Gulls.

Cascade, Colorado

Grouse, squirrels, birds and some wild animals are native to the canon.

Changeling: The Lost

Beasts: Changelings that share qualities with animals both mythical and mundane.


Together with Alyki near Kontopouli and a third small lake Asprolimni, it forms a great ecosystem, where many migrating birds spend the winter.

Cintra Bay

Many species of migratory birds and oceanic birds such as Western Palearctic waders inhabit for wintering on West Sahara´s coastline and more notably in the Cintra Bay region and the Banc d'Arguin National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Mauritania where nearly 110species of sea birds are confirmed.

Cornell Lab of Ornithology

The Cornell Lab issues two quarterly publications, Living Bird magazine and the BirdScope newsletter, and manages numerous citizen-science projects and websites, including the Webby Award-winning All About Birds.

Dapu, Chiayi

Among the birds that can be seen in the area is the Fairy Pitta.

Desmond Hawkins

Desmond also had programme ideas accepted by the BBC and 1936 saw his first appearance in Radio Times with a programme called A Nest of Singing Birds – an anthology he compiled of English poets on English birds.

Empire of Ivory

Scarcely has this realization set in that the Aerial Corps are beset by Tswana humans and dragons; the British beasts, who have been sent back to the Cape with their precious cargo, are unable to prevent their aircrews from being captured, and Rev. Erasmus' attempts to intercede only lead to his death, as the Lunda are known slavers.


The finnstick is especially useful when watching migration (E.G. seabirds, raptors) when the horizon may be scanned literally for hours to find migrant birds.

Florida State Road 407

Within the SR 528/SR 407/I-95 triangle is a swampland containing the southern unit of St. Johns National Wildlife Refuge, a popular resting area for migrating birds (the northern unit is two miles (3 km) to the north, adjacent to I-95 and SR 50), and just to the west of the triangle is Tosohatchee Wildlife Management Area, which extends from SR 50 southward to just south of SR 520 in nearby Orange County.

Gambela National Park

Several birds only found in this area include the shoebill stork, the Long-tailed Paradise Whydah and the Red-throated and Green Bee-eaters.

Global spread of H5N1 in 2007

May 3, 2007:"Ghana's first case of the highly pathogenic H5N1 bird flu has been confirmed in sick chickens by local laboratories and a US naval laboratory in Egypt, a World Health Organisation official said overnight. Some 1600 birds had already been incinerated as part of efforts to control the outbreak on a farm 20km east of Ghana's capital Accra, near the port of Tema".

Greater Flamingo

In Zoo Basel's breeding program over 400 birds have been hatched with an average of between 20 and 27 per year since 2000.

Green World Ecological Farm

:Home to over one hundred species of birds, including: Macaw, Bird of Paradise, Great Curassow, Blue-crowned Pigeon, Green Touraco, Channel-Billed Toucan, Toco Toucan, Golden Pheasant, Vulturine Guineafowl, Wood Duck, Emerald Dove, Violet Turaco, Asian Fairy Bluebird, Red-and-yellow Barbet, Taiwan Sibia, Finch-billed Bulbul and Eclectus Parrot.

Irvin Baxter, Jr.

According to his website, Mr. Baxter became intensely interested in Bible prophecy at the age of 20, when a visiting evangelist taught that the four beasts of the book of Revelation, chapter four, were Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

Lake Manpo and Lake Bonpo Important Bird Area

It has been identified by BirdLife International as an Important Bird Area (IBA) because it supports populations of various water- and wetland birds including Swan Geese, Greater White-fronted Geese, Whooper Swans, Oriental Storks, White-naped Cranes and Red-crowned Cranes.


The fruits are an important food source for birds, on which some Palaeognathae are highly dependent.

Laurance S. Rockefeller Preserve

Sedges and other low plants grow in the wetlands providing food and cover for migrating birds.

Lemp Mansion

"Cragwold", in western Kirkwood, had an observation tower, two servants' houses, and a collection of birds, antelope, sheep, yaks, buffalo and other animals.

Little Eagle

Debus (1998) notes that their diet varies geographically; the diet in Northern Australia has a high proportion of birds, in the arid zone is mostly lizards, and in Southern Australia has a high proportion of juvenile rabbits.


Łysica is inhabited by birds of prey, such as the Lesser Spotted Eagle, the Eurasian Sparrowhawk, and the Eurasian Hobby.

Mark Lynton History Prize

2005 – Richard Steven Street for Beasts of the Field: A Narrative History of California Farmworkers, 1769–1913

Mary Dillwyn

It contains views of the Dillwyn Llewlyn home at Penllergaer, portraits of family and friends and studies of flowers and birds.

Mayo, Quebec

The forest is also home to many species of rare birds such as the blue heron and the cerulean warbler.


In phylogenetic systematics they are variously defined as the common ancestor and all its descendants of Younginiforms and "crown diapsids" (the common ancestor of lizards, crocodilians and birds, and all their descendants) Callaway 1997, or all diapsids that are more closely related to Sauria than to Araeoscelidia (Laurin and Gauthier 2000).

Ord River

The site forms part of the Ord Irrigation Area Important Bird Area (IBA), so identified by BirdLife International because of its importance for wild birds, especially estrildid finches.

Outer Brewster Island

It provides a nesting habitat for coastal water birds, including Cormorants, Gulls, Common Eider Ducks, Glossy Ibis and American Oystercatchers.

Pale-billed Woodpecker

Stiles and Skutch, A guide to the birds of Costa Rica, ISBN 0-8014-9600-4

Peña Bajenza

The formation has several hiking and climbing trails and is home to colonies of Griffon Vultures and other wild birds such the Egyptian Vulture in summer.

Pieter Casteels III

He painted birds, flowers, and fruit; but his paintings have not much to recommend them, and were greatly inferior to those of an English contemporary artist, Luke Cradock.

Pineapple Press

Its catalogue includes non-fiction titles such as "Baseball in Florida" and "Florida's Birds" (a reference book with artwork by Karl Karalus) as well as compilations such as "Cracker literature", books on historic homes, lighthouses, Gulf Coast islands, and fiction including historical novels from Patrick D. Smith and a mystery by Virginia Lanier ("Death in Bloodhound Red" set in in Georgia's Okefenokee Swamp).

Red Knot

It is hypothesized that more recently, the birds have become threatened as a result of commercial harvesting of horseshoe crabs in the Delaware Bay which began in the early 1990s.

Red-capped Parrot

Marri seeds are the preferred diet, but birds also extract seeds from Karri (Eucalyptus marginata), woody pear (Xylomelum), Grevillea, Hakea, and She-oak (Casuarina), as well as insects such as psyllids, and even orchard fruit such as apples and pears.

Robert Cushman Murphy

The author of over 600 scientific articles, he also wrote such books as Logbook for Grace: Whaling Brig Daisy, 1912-1913 and Oceanic Birds of South America. In 1951, Murphy led the expedition that rediscovered the Bermuda Petrel, or cahow, a bird believed to have been extinct for 330 years.

Rushworth Box-Ironbark Region

Other woodland birds recorded from the IBA include Brown Treecreepers, Speckled Warblers, Hooded Robins, Grey-crowned Babblers, Crested Bellbirds and Gilbert's Whistlers, with Bush Stone-curlews, migrant Black Honeyeaters and Pink Robins seen occasionally.

Solitary Tinamou

But the birds can be plentiful enough to withstand some hunting for example in a mosaic of cabruca smallholder plantings, interspersed with secondary growth with dense caeté Marantaceae and Merostachys bamboo understorey as well as higher Guadua bamboo and full-grown heart-of-palm trees (Euterpe edulis).

South Plaza Island

On the steep banks it is possible to see a great number of birds such as nesting Red-billed Tropicbirds and Swallow-tailed Gulls, but most of all, enjoying the beautiful view from atop the steep banks or strolling along the base of the cliff is an extremely pleasurable experience.

St Medardus and St Gildardus Church, Little Bytham

The church also has several Romanesque details dating from the Norman era, including a Priest's Door ("uncommonly ornate", according to Nikolaus Pevsner) with a finely carved tympanum; the empty circular niche in the tympanum is said to have held a relic; the birds in roundels to either side are probably eagles, as one is legendarily supposed to have sheltered Medard from the rain.

Sutton Bingham Reservoir

It now provides an environment for overwintering wildfowl and migrant birds including the Osprey.

Timothy O'Keeffe

O'Keeffe was instrumental in the republication of Flann O'Brien's novel At Swim-Two-Birds in 1959 as well as the posthumous publication of O'Brien's The Third Policeman in 1967; had it not been for O'Keeffe's determined efforts, the books would largely be unknown today.

White-naped Crane

Different groups of the birds migrate to winter near the Yangtze River, the DMZ in Korea and on Kyūshū in Japan.

Yevno Azef

Rebecca West's The Birds Fall Down (1966) is a spy thriller based on the deeds of Azef.

Yukidori Valley

Birds nesting at the site include several thousand Snow Petrels as well as a few South Polar Skuas.

see also