It took another 50 years until the Old Testament 1871 revision by the Danish Bible Society during the reign of King Christian IX.
Bishop | bishop | Statute Law Revision Act 1948 | Hans Christian Andersen | Bishop (Catholic Church) | translation | Statute Law Revision Act 1888 | Bishop of Winchester | Bishop of London | Hans Holbein the Younger | Hans Zimmer | titular bishop | Bishop of Durham | Hans Werner Henze | Statute Law Revision Act 1863 | Bishop of Ely | Titular Bishop | Metropolitan bishop | Bishop of Lincoln | Bishop of Chester | Bishop Auckland | Hans Memling | Hans Pfitzner | Bishop of Exeter | Statute Law Revision Act 1887 | Hans Küng | Hans Conried | Statute Law Revision Act 1867 | Hans Knappertsbusch | Bishop of Rochester |