
unusual facts about Bishop of Cloyne

Bishop of Cloyne

Frederick Augustus Hervey

Bishop Bennet Way

It is named after William Bennet (4 March 1745 - 1820), Bishop of Cork and Ross (1790–1794) and subsequently Bishop of Cloyne (1794–1820), who carried out detailed surveys of roman roads including those between Deva (Chester) and Mediolanum (Whitchurch).

Irish College at Lisbon

Following repression of the Jesuits in Portugal the college was also suppressed in 1759, the College re-opened under 1782 by a Dr. Brady with the support of the Irish Bishops, who was succeeded by a Dr. Bartholomew Crotty (a former student, and professor of the college and a future Bishop of Cloyne) in 1799, until 1811, when he was replaced by a Rev. Dunne.

McGhee family

A prominent exception is the current Bishop of Cloyne, a Traditionalist Catholic who was falsely accused of murdering Pope John Paul I.

Reginald of Bologna

Two other Dominicans, David McKelly, Archbishop of Cashel, and Alan O'Sullivan, Bishop of Cloyne, already held posts in Ireland and may have influenced Innocent's choice of Reginald to replace the abdicating Albert Suerbeer.

Richard Farmer

He now took the degree of D.D., and was very soon succeeded in the tutorship by Dr. William Bennet, later bishop of Cloyne.

see also