As such, the bit order of the octet access is the bit order of the accessing device, which is usually LSB 0; and serial transmission is arranged such that the least significant bit of each octet is transmitted first.
ALGOL 68's elem operator is effectively "MSB 1 bit numbering" as the bits are numbered from left to right with the first bit (bits elem 1) being the "most significant bit" and the expression (bits elem bits width) giving the "least significant bit".
Catalog numbering systems for single records | 8-bit | 16-bit | bit | 32-bit | Atari 8-bit family | North American Numbering Plan | Come a Little Bit Closer | A roads in Zone 5 of the Great Britain numbering scheme | bit rate | 24-bit | Telephone numbering plan | Ooh Aah... Just A Little Bit | Least significant bit | Great Britain road numbering scheme | Bit.Trip | Bit rate | Bit array | A Bit of Singing and Dancing | A Bit of Fry & Laurie | 8-bit color | 8-bit clean | 40-bit encryption | 256-bit | Ooh Aah... Just a Little Bit | Little Bit O' Soul | Just a Little Bit of You | Bit.Trip Beat | Bit Riot Records | Bit people |