It is also known as the Takagi curve, after Teiji Takagi who described it in 1903, or as the Takagi–Landsberg curve, a generalization of the curve named after Takagi and Georg Landsberg.
The name blancmange comes from its resemblance to a pudding of the same name.
light curve | Bézier curve | The Bell Curve | Lorenz curve | elliptic curve | Curve | Engel curve | Curve fitting | Curve (band) | bell curve | Water retention curve | Trouble with the Curve | The New Adventures of Curve | The J Curve: A New Way to Understand Why Nations Rise and Fall | The Horseshoe Curve | Singular point of a curve | Roulette (curve) | Pseudoholomorphic curve | Phase response curve | Pedal curve | Normal curve equivalent | Melting curve analysis | Lissajous curve | Laffer curve | Kuznets curve | Kruithof curve | Indifference curve | hyperelliptic curve | Halton Curve | Elliptic curve primality testing |