Joan Baez covered the song and included it on her 1971 album Blessed Are....
Though it was also recorded in 1971 by Elvis Presley, four others recorded it in 1971 — Joan Baez for her album, Blessed Are... (July 1971), Bryan Ferry for his album, Another Time, Another Place (October 1974), Jerry Lee Lewis who did a bluesy version for his album "Touching Home" and country singer Sammi Smith, whose recording of the song is the most commercially successful and most well-known version.
Blessed Sacrament | Brian Blessed | Blessed Are the Sick | Blessed Are... | Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary | Bran the Blessed | Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary | Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament | Blessed by a Broken Heart | The Lesser Blessed (novel) | José Luis Sánchez (blessed) | Illustrious Brotherhood of Our Blessed Lady | God Blessed Texas | Franciscan Province of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary | Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament | Blessed Sacrament Huguenot | Blessed Be This Nightmare | Blessed Assurance | Blessed Art Thou |
# a long blessing (matbe'a arokh, "long formula"), in which the opening is followed by a more elaborate text, for example, in the first section of the Birkat Hamazon (Grace after Meals), after which a concluding blessing formula is recited at the end of the prayer, for example, Barukh Atah Adonai ha-zan et ha-kol ("Blessed are You, Lord, Who feeds all").