
3 unusual facts about Blizzard of Ozz

Blizzard of Ozz

Entertainment attorney Steven Machat, who was involved in the deal Osbourne signed with Jet Records, said in his 2011 book Gods, Gansters and Honour: A Rock 'n' Roll Odyssey that Osbourne's soon-to-be manager and wife Sharon Arden was not happy with the level of creative input Kerslake, Rhoads and Daisley had in the Blizzard of Ozz album and did not want them to share the credit.

Deb Obarski

As the frontwoman of the Dolls, her stage name was "Blizzy Osbourne", a wordplay on Osbourne's solo debut Blizzard of Ozz.

Rob Dukes

He also plays guitar, claiming that he was "mediocre" but "having fun" at first, with Randy Rhoads as a huge influence, although it took him a month to learn Rhoads' acoustic piece "Dee" from Ozzy Osbourne's Blizzard of Ozz album.

Max Norman

While Norman was resident engineer at Ridge Farm Studios in London, England, Ozzy Osbourne was recording his debut solo album Blizzard of Ozz with producer/engineer Chris Tsangarides, but after a week Osbourne was unhappy with the mix, and hired Norman to pick up where Tsangarides left off.

Shred guitar

Guitar World ranked Al Di Meola - Elegant Gypsy, Van Halen - Van Halen, and Ozzy Osbourne - Blizzard of Ozz, as the top three shred albums of all time, respectively.

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