
unusual facts about Bloch's theorem

Bloch's theorem

For the theorem named after Felix Bloch on wave functions of a particle in a periodic potential, see Bloch wave.


Village MarlaN or Maral is a separate village from Tibbi Gorian/Ghaurian Mughlan and is named after a Bloch tribe which came to the area when the Mughal king Humayun returned to India with the help of the Maral Bloch tribe.

Alpha shape

This technique can be employed to reconstruct a Fermi surface from the electronic Bloch spectral function evaluated at the Fermi level, as obtained from the Green function in a generalised ab-initio study of the problem.

Beck's theorem

Both appeared, alongside several other important theorems, in a well-known paper by József Beck.

Bloch MB.170

A design team at the former Bloch factory at Courbevoie (which had recently become part of the nationalised SNCASO), led by Henri Deplante, proposed the MB.170, a twin-engined, low-winged cantilever monoplane.

Ceva's theorem

But it was proven much earlier by Yusuf Al-Mu'taman ibn Hűd, an eleventh-century king of Zaragoza.

Chaim Yitzchak Bloch Hacohen

Bloch was born in Plunge, Lithuania, on September 14th 1865 to an illustrious rabbinic family with family roots traced back to the Shakh and Shelah Hakadosh.

Chaplygin sleigh

Because this constraint is nonholonomic, Liouville's theorem does not apply, and although energy is conserved, the motion is dissipative in the sense that phase space volume is not conserved.

Copeland–Erdős constant

The constant is irrational; this can be proven with Dirichlet's theorem on arithmetic progressions or Bertrand's postulate (Hardy and Wright, p. 113) or Ramare's theorem that every even integer is a sum of at most six primes.

De Bruijn's theorem

In a 1969 paper, Dutch mathematician Nicolaas Govert de Bruijn proved several results about packing congruent rectangular bricks (of any dimension) into larger rectangular boxes, in such a way that no space is left over.

Endre Szemerédi

Ajtai and Szemerédi proved the corners theorem, an important step toward higher dimensional generalizations of the Szemerédi theorem.

Fáry's theorem

Heiko Harborth raised the question of whether every planar graph has a straight line representation in which all edge lengths are integers.

Fermat's theorem

The works of 17th century mathematician Pierre de Fermat engendered many theorems.

Gravitational lensing formalism

While gravitational lensing preserves surface brightness, as dictated by Liouville's theorem, lensing does change the apparent solid angle of a source.

Greedy embedding

For maximal planar graphs, in which every face is a triangle, a greedy planar embedding can be found by applying the Knaster–Kuratowski–Mazurkiewicz lemma to a weighted version of a straight-line embedding algorithm of Schnyder.

Henstock–Kurzweil integral

Cousin's theorem states that for every gauge \delta, such a \delta-fine partition P does exist, so this condition cannot be satisfied vacuously.

Hilbert's theorem

Hilbert's basis theorem, in commutative algebra, stating every ideal in the ring of multivariate polynomials over a Noetherian ring is finitely generated

Hilbert's irreducibility theorem, in number theory, concerning irreducible polynomials

Hilbert's syzygy theorem, a result of commutative algebra in connection with the syzygy problem of invariant theory

Hilbert's Theorem 90, an important result on cyclic extensions of fields that leads to Kummer theory

Hubertus Czernin

The articles led to the passage of Austria's Art Restitution Law, which allowed the family of Maria Altmann, the niece of Ferdinand Bloch-Bauer, to pursue claims successfully to the Klimt paintings that had been looted from her uncle during World War II (see Republic of Austria v. Altmann).

Kellogg's theorem

Kellogg's theorem is a pair of related results in the mathematical study of the regularity of harmonic functions on sufficiently smooth domains by Oliver Dimon Kellogg.

Kolmogorov–Smirnov test

This result may also be known as the Kolmogorov theorem; see Kolmogorov's theorem for disambiguation.


Kōmura's theorem, result on the differentiability of absolutely continuous Banach space-valued functions

Liouville number

The following lemma is usually known as Liouville's theorem (on diophantine approximation), there being several results known as Liouville's theorem.

Lisa Bloch Rodwin

Lisa Bloch Rodwin is a Family Court Judge in Erie County, New York.

Lucienne Bloch

Bloch was born in Geneva, Switzerland, the youngest child of composer and photographer Ernest Bloch.

Dimitroff and Bloch died in 1996 and 1999, respectively, on their small farm in Gualala in Northern California.


A number of musical projects, most notably by Quinlan, Brill, Little and Bloch, took the funk idea back to its roots as a musical style (see George Clinton, James Brown and Robert Wyatt) that was blended with elements of Devo and Pere Ubu that had also come out of northern Ohio.

Markus Rost

He is known for his work on norm varieties (a key part in the proof of the Bloch-Kato conjecture) and for the Rost invariant (a cohomological invariant with values in Galois cohomology of degree 3).

Montel's theorem

For example, the first version of Montel's theorem stated above is the analog of Liouville's theorem, while the second version corresponds to Picard's theorem.

Morley's theorem

Morley's categoricity theorem, a theorem related to model theory, discovered by Michael D. Morley

Nature, Culture and Gender

The contributing authors are Carol P. MacCormack, Maurice Bloch, Jean H. Bloch, L. J. Jordanova, Olivia Harris, Jane C. Goodale, Gillian Gillison, Marilyn Strathern.

Norm residue isomorphism theorem

Its statement was previously known as the Bloch–Kato conjecture, after Spencer Bloch and Kazuya Kato, or more precisely the motivic Bloch–Kato conjecture in some places, since there is another Bloch–Kato conjecture on values of L-functions.

Northern whiting

Two of these, S. acuta and S. erythraea were made by Georges Cuvier, and the other, Sciaena malabarica by Bloch and Schneider.

Pfaffian function

In the 1990s, Alex Wilkie showed that one has the same result if instead of adding every analytic function, one just adds the exponential function to R to get the ordered real field with exponentiation, Rexp, a result known as Wilkie's theorem.

Rado graph

Then, for any sets U and V, by the Chinese remainder theorem, the numbers that are quadratic resides modulo every prime in U and nonresidues modulo every prime in V form a periodic sequence, so by Dirichlet's theorem on primes in arithmetic progressions this number-theoretic graph has the extension property.


Brauer's theorem on the representability of zero by forms over certain fields in sufficiently many variables

Republic of Austria v. Altmann

Adele Bloch-Bauer, the subject of two of the paintings, had written in her last will: "Meine 2 Porträts und 4 Landschaften von Gustav Klimt, bitte ich meinen Ehegatten nach seinem Tode der österr. Staats-Galerie in Wien zu hinterlassen" - I ask my husband to bequeath my 2 portraits and the 4 landscapes by Gustav Klimt to the Austrian state gallery in Vienna after his death.

Riemann–Roch theorem

The theorem for compact Riemann surfaces can be deduced from the algebraic version using Chow's theorem and the GAGA principle: in fact, every compact Riemann surface is defined by algebraic equations in some complex projective space.

Rouché's theorem

Theodor Estermann (1902–1991) proved in his book Complex Numbers and Functions the following relation: Let K\subset G be a bounded region with continuous boundary \partial K.

Savitch's theorem

In computational complexity theory, Savitch's theorem, proved by Walter Savitch in 1970, gives a relationship between deterministic and non-deterministic space complexity.


Bloch recounts about the work in 1932, which he describes as ”psychoanalysis” of his unconscious creative process, stating that the solo cello in Schelomo is the incarnation of King Solomon and that the orchestra represents the world around him, as well as his experiences in life.

The “Cycle” refers to a series of composition composed by Bloch in which he was trying to find his musical identity.

Superslow process

Stagnation zones theorems are closely related to pre-Liouville's theorems about evaluation of solutions fluctuation, which direct consequences are the different versions of the classic Liouville theorem about conversion of the entire doubly periodic function into the identical constant.

Syamadas Mukhopadhyaya

Syamadas Mukhopadhyaya (June 22, 1866 – May 8, 1937) was an Indian mathematician who introduced the four-vertex theorem and Mukhopadhyaya's theorem in plane geometry.

Taylor's theorem

An earlier version of the result is already mentioned in 1671 by James Gregory.

Terezín: The Music 1941–44

Mezzo-soprano vocals by Emilie Berendsen and piano by David Bloch

The American Israelite

The paper's founder, Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise, and publisher, Edward Bloch and his Bloch Publishing Company, were both very influential figures in American Jewish life.

Thévenin's theorem

The theorem was independently derived in 1853 by the German scientist Hermann von Helmholtz and in 1883 by Léon Charles Thévenin (1857–1926), an electrical engineer with France's national Postes et Télégraphes telecommunications organization.

see also