
unusual facts about mathematical


May – Nicolaus Copernicus publishes De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres) in Nuremberg, offering mathematical arguments for the existence of the heliocentric universe, denying the geocentric model.

Ackermann set theory

Reinhardt, William, "Ackermann's set theory equals ZF" Annals of Mathematical Logic Vol.

Aonach Eagach

:For the mathematical function known as a "Devil's staircase", see Singular function.

Archimedean principle

Archimedean property, a mathematical property of numbers and other algebraic structures.

Baraita of the Forty-nine Rules

The Mishnat ha-Middot has nothing in common with the Baraita cited by the old scholars under that name: for the citations leave no doubt that the Baraita, even in its mathematical parts, was founded on the Bible; whereas the Mishnat ha-Middot is a purely secular work, and, possibly, it drew upon the same source as did Mohammed b. Musa, the oldest Arabic mathematician.

Bilevel optimization

Structural optimization problems comprise of two levels of optimization task and are commonly referred as mathematical programming problems with equilibrium constraints (MPEC).

Blade element theory

Blade element theory (BET) is a mathematical process originally designed by William Froude (1878), David W. Taylor (1893) and Stefan Drzewiecki to determine the behavior of propellers.

Blamire Young

It had been intended that he should become a clergyman, but Young felt that he had no vocation for that work and obtained the position of mathematical master at Katoomba College, Katoomba, New South Wales, which had been founded by John Walter Fletcher in 1884.

Boris Podolsky

In 1935, he took a post as professor of mathematical physics at the University of Cincinnati.


Combined with the possibility to use several fonts (up to 20) at once, such as Greek alphabet, Cyrillic alphabets, and mathematical and other symbols, ChiWriter is quite easy to write mathematical texts in.

Count noun

Following the work of logicians like Godehard Link and linguists like Manfred Krifka, we know that the mass/count distinction can be given a precise mathematical definition in terms of notions like cumulativity and quantization.


H. Martyn Cundy and A. Rollett Deltahedra. §3.11 in Mathematical Models, 3rd ed.

Diffie–Hellman problem

The Diffie–Hellman problem (DHP) is a mathematical problem first proposed by Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman in the context of cryptography.

Erwin Kreyszig

In 1960 he became professor at the Technical University of Graz and organized the Graz 1964 Mathematical Congress.

Esher railway station

Esher railway station featured on Little Howard's Big Question, a children's TV show, when they confused the Dutch graphic and mathematical artist M. C. Escher with Esher and one of his drawings is mistakenly thought to be the railway station.

Franz Rellich

In 1934 he became Privatdozent in Marburg, in 1942 professor in Dresden, and in 1946 director of the Mathematical Institute in Göttingen, being instrumental in its reconstruction.


This article presents the mathematical formalism involved in defining, finding, and proving the existence of geodesics, in the case of Riemannian and pseudo-Riemannian manifolds.

Golden mean

Golden ratio, a specific mathematical ratio (sometimes called golden mean)

Herbert Federer

In 1987, he and his Brown colleague Wendell Fleming won the American Mathematical Society's Steele Prize "for their pioneering work in Normal and Integral currents."

Horst Knörrer

With Joel Feldman, Eugene Trubowitz: Riemann Surfaces of Infinite Genus, AMS (American Mathematical Society) 2003

IBM 1500

Seeded by a research grant in 1964 from the U.S. Department of Education to the Institute for Mathematical Studies in the Social Sciences at Stanford University, the IBM 1500 CAI system was initially prototyped at the Brentwood Elementary School (Ravenswood City School District) in East Palo Alto, California by Dr. Patrick Suppes of Stanford University.

Ida Rhodes

Rhodes held numerous positions involving mathematical computations before she joined the Mathematical Tables Project in 1940, where she worked under Gertrude Blanch, whom she would later credit as her mentor.

Jakob Yngvason

He was Vice-President of the International Association of Mathematical Physics 2000–2005 and Editor-in-Chief of Reviews in Mathematical Physics 2006-2010.

James R. Norris

He has made contributions to areas of mathematics connected to probability theory and mathematical analysis, including Malliavin calculus, heat kernel estimates, and mathematical models for coagulation and fragmentation.

John Charles Fields

Disillusioned with the state of mathematical research in North America at the time, he left for Europe in 1891, locating primarily in Berlin, Göttingen and Paris, where he associated with some of the greatest mathematical minds of the time, including Karl Weierstrass, Felix Klein, Ferdinand Georg Frobenius and Max Planck.

La Femme au Cheval

Princet was close to Metzinger and participated in meetings of the Section d'Or in Puteaux, giving informal lectures to the artists, many of whom were passionate about mathematical order.

LDRA Testbed

Liverpool Data Research Associates (LDRA) was founded in 1975 by Professor Michael Hennell to commercialize a software test-bed created to perform quality assessments on the mathematical libraries on which his Nuclear physics research at the University of Liverpool depended.

Life expectancy

Analyses and forecasts using this approach can be done with any common statistical/ mathematical software package, like EViews, R, SAS, Stata, Matlab, or SPSS.

Liu Lu

As a 22 year old undergraduate student Lu solved the mathematical problem, the Seetapun Enigma, which was proposed by English logician David Seetapun in the 1990s and had not yet been solved.

Liverpool Data Research Associates

LDRA was founded in 1975 by Professor Michael Hennell to commercialize a software test-bed created to perform quality assessments on the mathematical libraries on which his Nuclear physics research at the University of Liverpool depended.

Logic programming

The use of mathematical logic to represent and execute computer programs is also a feature of the lambda calculus, developed by Alonzo Church in the 1930s.

Mathematical Tables Project

Edited by two veterans of the project, Milton Abramowitz and Irene Stegun, it became a widely circulated mathematical and scientific reference.


Publications such as the MAA's The American Mathematical Monthly and the AMS's Notices of the American Mathematical Society are widely read to maintain and hone mathematical ability.

Melde's experiment

Later, the Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell in his study of the wave nature of light succeeded in expressing waves and the electromagnetic spectrum in a mathematical formula.

Michael Thorpe

He has a research background in condensed matter theory, and in recent years has developed the mathematical theory of flexibility and mobility for use in glassy networks.

Network effect

Rod Beckstrom presented a mathematical model for describing networks that are in a state of positive network effect at BlackHat and Defcon in 2009 and also presented the "inverse network effect" with an economic model for defining it as well.

Padam Chand Jain

He was awarded in 1975 the Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize for Science and Technology, the highest science award in India, in the mathematical sciences category.

Penney's game

Elwyn R. Berlekamp, John H. Conway and Richard K. Guy, "Winning Ways for your Mathematical Plays", 2nd Edition, Volume 4, AK Peters (2004), p.


It was later ported to the HP 2647 demo tape with a graphical interface, using a simple mathematical transform to solve for 3D input position.

Richard Gill

Richard D. Gill (born 1951), Anglo-Dutch mathematician / mathematical statistician

Robert Lee Constable

He is known for his work on connecting computer programs and mathematical proofs, especially the NuPRL system.

Steven Soter

In 2007, after the IAU announced its controversial decision on the definition of planet, Soter published an article in Scientific American in which he outlined a mathematical formulation, the "planetary discriminant", to describe how the IAU's requirement that a planet must have "cleared its neighborhood" of other objects might be applied in practice.

The Sum Of All Thrills

Sponsored by Raytheon, the ride lets park guests custom-design their own thrill ride using mathematical tools, an innovative touch-screen table and a robotic simulator.

Thomas von Randow

Thomas von Randow (26 December 1921 Breslau, Schlesien – 29 July 2009 Hamburg) was a German mathematician and journalist who published mathematical and logical puzzles under the pseudonym Zweistein in the "Logelei" column in Die Zeit.

Vi Hart

Victoria Hart, commonly known as Vi Hart, is a self-described "Recreational Mathemusician" who is most known for her mathematical videos on YouTube.

Victor Anatolyevich Vassiliev

He has been a visiting professor at the University of Paris VII, and at the Mathematical Science Research Institute (MSRI) at the University of California, Berkeley.

Voltage spike

While generally referred to as a voltage spike, the phenomenon in question is actually an energy spike, in that it is measured not in volts but in joules; a transient response defined by a mathematical product of voltage, current, and time.

Wang B-machine

Joachim Lambek (1961) received 15 June 1961 How to Program an Infinite Abacus, Mathematical Bulletin, vol.

Warren Ewens

Ewens received a B.A. (1958) and M.A. (1960) in Mathematical Statistics from the University of Melbourne, and a Ph.D. from the Australian National University (1962).

see also