
3 unusual facts about Boaz

Boaz Myhill

Myhill's parents originally intended to name him Boaz, a Hebrew name which they encountered and liked while travelling in Israel, but were dissuaded from doing so by relatives.

Parched grain

"Now Boaz said to her at mealtime, 'Come here, and eat of the bread, and dip your piece of bread in the vinegar.'" So she sat beside the reapers, and he passed parched grain to her; and she ate and was satisfied, and kept some back.


After the death of her husband, Ruth is noticed and welcomed by her husband's kinsman, Boaz.

Boaz Zippor

Boaz Zippor was educated at Istituto Europeo di Design in Milan, Italy, where he majored in Industrial Design and Visual Communications, earning a degree in 1997.

Israel national basketball team

Mickey Berkowitz, Lou Silver, Motti Aroesti, Mike Schwartz, Eric Menkin, Steve Kaplan, Boaz Yanai, Avigdor Moskowitz, Barry Leibowitz, Pinhas Hozez, Uri Ben-Ari, Shai Sharf (Coach: Ralph Klein)

Mickey Berkowitz, Tal Brody, Motti Aroesti, Mike Schwartz, Hanan Keren, Shlomo Blum, Shamuel Nachmias, Barry Leibowitz, Avigdor Moskowitz, Itamar Marzel, Jonathan Zacks, Boaz Yanai (Coach: Abraham Hemo)

Tal Brody, Hanan Keren, Mike Schwartz, Haim Starkman, Gabi Teichner, Boaz Yanai, Mark Turenshine, Zvi Inbar, Dan Barzily, Itamar Marzel, Abraham Zuchman, Joseph Leja (Coach: Shimon Shelah)

Joshua Boaz ben Simon Baruch

Joshua Boaz ben Simon Baruch (died 1557), also known as the Shiltei Giborim after a work he authored, was a prominent Talmudist who lived at Sabbioneta, and later at Savigliano.

Sde Boaz

By 2008, some residents of Sde Boaz were being trained by Mishmeret Yesha, a non-profit organization that teaches settlers counterterrorism techniques and the use of guns so that they can form "rapid response teams." The IDF supplies settlers who've received the training with M16 rifles and ammunition.

Yaakov Malkin

During the 1948 war in Israel, he served as a broadcasting officer for the Haganah and the IDF (1947–1948) in the underground radio station, Telem Shamir Boaz, that later became the Israel Army Radio (Galei Tzahal).

see also