It is a basin, about 10 x 10 kilometres across, with 18 settlements (there were 31 in the Middle Ages), the centre and capital of which since the 13th century is the town of Bockenem.
Bockenem bildete sich wegen seiner geografisch zentralen Lage als Mittelpunkt des Ambergaus heraus.
Die nördlichen und westlichen Bereiche einschließlich der Stadt Bockenem waren bis 1803 Bestandteil des Fürstbistums Hildesheim (mit Unterbrechung zwischen 1523 bis 1643), was sich bis heute durch Zugehörigkeit zur inzwischen aufgelösten Bezirksregierung Hildesheim, seit 1978 Hannover, auswirkte.
In the years that followed the Derneburg–Seesen railway from Derneburg – which again ran southwards – reached Bockenem in the Nette valley on 27 May 1887, Groß Rhüden on 1 October 1887 and finally the railway hub of Seesen on 1 May 1889.
Rudolf Karl Lüneburg (30 March 1903, Volkersheim (Bockenem) - 19 August 1949, Great Falls, Montana), after his emigration at first Lueneburg, later Luneburg, falsified Luneberg) was a professor of mathematics and optics at the Dartmouth College Eye Institute.
A few kilometres east-northeast lies Holle and some distance away to the south-east is Bockenem; a few individual districts of these town boroughs reach as far as the ridge.
Bockenem |