
unusual facts about Bodan-Werft


The company built many of the ferries and other vessels used on the larger lakes of the Alps, including vessels for the White Fleet on Lake Constance, for the Zürichsee-Schifffahrtsgesellschaft and the Zürichsee-Fähre Horgen–Meilen on Lake Zurich, and for the Società Navigazione del Lago di Lugano on Lake Lugano.

Meyer Werft

In February 2011, Meyer Werft signed a contract with Royal Caribbean International to build a new class of ship, code named "Project Sunshine" later to be called Quantum class ships.

Walchensee-class tanker

The Walchensee class tanker (Type 703) is a series of four small coastal tankers, built by Lindenau-Werft in Kiel for the German Navy to transport fuel and fresh water between depots and to units near coasts or in harbour.

see also