
2 unusual facts about Bodies in Motion

Sofia Curtis

("Bodies in Motion")

It is later explained in the season six episode "Bodies in Motion" that, though she qualified to become a detective, the sheriff "pulled her papers" and assigned her to CSI due to her lab skills.

see also

Ehrenfest paradox

1910: Gustav Herglotz and Fritz Noether independently elaborated on Born's model and showed (Herglotz-Noether theorem) that Born rigidity only allows of three degrees of freedom for bodies in motion.

Roy Cormier

Cormier also received notoriety after the Beastie Boys featured his name in their hit single “Body Movin’” off their 1998 Grammy award winning album Hello Nasty with the lyrics, “Puttin’ bodies in motion ‘cause I got the notion / Like Roy Cormier with the coconut lotion.”